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The Future of AI

What´s ChatGPT-4 will bring to the Developers

GPT-4 introduced multimodal models to ChatGPT, and one of the theorised new forms of input is images. Before, ChatGPT could only be trained with textual input, however advancements in technology have reared it for a total change in paradigm.
Does this mean ChatGPT can have images input to it? ChatGPT Plus, at the moment, doesn’t allow for you to do this. It’s only possible with the GPT-4 API, which you can only access as a developer.

This means that you’re going to be able to input a unique image, alongside a set of clear instructions, questions, or opinions, and GPT-4 can return a structured answer that uses both sets of data as inputs.

For example, you might enter an image of a pattern of shapes, and ask GPT-4 which shape completes the pattern, though of course there are more complex and creative usages possible with the new update.
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